
Amy Gillespie - ProtosArt

Fractal Artwork

While created through geometry, fractals are derived from nature, thus an organic and sometimes dreamlike quantity to them. Fractals are geometric shapes, either simple or complex, which continue to repeat at ever smaller (or larger) iterations, giving a life of their own to the piece. Today, Computer Generated Imaging (CGI) would be impossible without fractal geometry. Fractals are found in digital design, as well as in nature in the grass, a fewn frond, a nautilus shell, even the human body.

Because of this organic nature to something so structured like mathmatics, Fractal Artwork has an appeal that many do not recognize at first - that organic and abstract quality that draws one further deeper into a well conceived piece. Coloring and composition are the most evocative qualities of fractal geometry, and in today's growing movement, abstract, rather than traditional recognizable geometric shapes is prevalent.

Between Worlds

Amy Gillespie

Amy Gillespie was born in Southern Ohio in 1974. While growing up there, Amy was drawn to both art and the study of science, guided by many teachers and outside voices. Moving, eventually, to Utah in 1990, it was there that Amy was encouraged by her high school teacher to follow more fully onto the path of art.

While working to develop her skills in photography, Amy stumbled upon the growing movement of Fractal Geometry as fine art and instantly fell in love. While the artwork is inherently organic, there is a science and mathematics which creates beauty. Able to appeal to both her scientific mind and her creative side, Amy has enjoyed every moment she is able to work in this particular medium.

"I would categorize my art as Organic Abstraction. Primarily, I use fractal geometry in my work - tat is a geometric pattern repeated at ever smaller scales to produce irregular shapes and surfaces that cannot be represented by classical geometry. This new math was defined and accepted by the Mathematical Community in 1977 by a man named Benoit Mendlebrot. Fractals, themselves, are found throughout Nature - a fern frond unfurling, a nautilus shell with its infinite chambers, even a honeycomb. Because of this, my artwork often takes on an organic nature which appeals to both mind and soul."

First Art


Taking from the Greek word proto, or first, ProtosArt has been founded as a business entity to further Fractal Artwork. ProtosArt focuses on exposing this unique and modern, yet incredibly old, style to Designers and Galleries. If you would like to learn more, or contact ProtosArt, email: amy@protosart.com